Where is Chacala located ?

Chacala is a small oceanfront village in the mexican state of Nayarit, midway between San Blas and Puerto Vallarta in Jalisco. From the local airport in Puerto Vallart Chacala can be reached either by bus or taxi. A Taxi could cost about 40 to 50 USD but it makes sence to use one if You travel with alot of luggage. Otherwise a transport bu Bus is as well possible at much lower cost of about 3 USD.

The road passes through several other villages in Nayarit, like Nuevo Vallarta, Bucerias, Litibu, Sayulita, Lo de Marcos, Guayabitos and some others. The population of Chacal consists of some mexican people and some Canadian and US expats.

As the village is one of the smaller ones the traveler will only find basic infrastructure including some doctors, but the cultural and modern life as well as good shopping opportunities can be found in Puerto Vallarta or San Blas.

Chacala Map

The Nayarit directory offers a wide range of websites featuring Chacala, its restaurants, real estate companies and cultural life as well as selected vacation rentals, so called casitas. For additional information on more than 19,000 Villages and places You may have a look to the facts about Mexico website, where You find some basic information and pictures.